Sunday, 30 August 2020

My little friend

My little friend

Hi all my bloggers. Today day I will be talking about my little friend and while
I do that let me tell you about her.

I have a little friend and 
She has a a little nose and she wears pink, I got her as a gift from my unckle
who was crazy about his nephews.
Her eyes are purple and she wears make up😐

I wont even tell you how she got a little pink heart on her face😱.
She has a big smile and a chicky attitude.
My little sister loves her so much that sometimes she would steal
my little best friend.. My little friend loves the water and has a pink tail.
She got hurt on her arm and because we didn't have any bandeges I had to use
Lume bands.
She has purple eyes, and please dont even get me started on how her hair is btight pink.
I used to love pink because of my little friend but now she 18.
My favirote color now is torquase toquase is a color mixed with blue and green.
When I was small and I got into trouble I blamed it on my little friend👍
And seemed okay to me but sometimes when I was small and I lost my little friend and plus sometimes I got introuble I would throw a gigantic tantrum because I needed some one to take take the blame and because I wanted my little friend.
And we always found her in the kichen cuboard,under the beds or outside and even sometimes outside on a rainy day.
And I still cant belive that up untill to day I still have her, because
I think I got her when I was 5/4.

My little friend has make up, purple lips, pink little heart on her face,attitude, loves the water and has a tail, a bandage made of lume bands, purple eyes, bright pink hair, wears pink and is 6/7 years old.
I cant help I'll just tell you who my little friend is............
She is a 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Konichiwa Ayo
    I am Eva from St Mary’s School.
    I really liked your doll. It looks so fun to play with and so cute. I have a doll that my Grandma knitted for me. I used to love mermaids when I was younger.
    I learnt that you have a childhood toy like me
    Please visit my blog
    Mā te wā

  3. Hi my name is Miki I´m from Ahipara School.I like your little cute friend.


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